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Organising Your Life With A Planner

Planning is a great way to get organised, be more productive and get things done. Do you love to decorate and plan, but find it hard to actually use and be consistent with it every day? Or maybe you just keep forgetting to use your planner? Consistency is just about repetition. It’s about repeating the same actions over and over again. Being consistent with using your planner will help you to be more productive in the long run. To be consistent with planning you want to make it a habit, but you need help with creating that habit.

As you probably know by now, a planner provides a lot of amazing benefits for your life, but becoming more organised is one of the best. Even if you are someone that tends to write down a lot of notes and to-do lists, do you find that you write it down, then never look at it again?

The planner doesn’t just help you “plan” what needs to be done and when, but it details tasks that are required for each goal, and requires you to check in, check off items on your to-do list, and really keep up with it.

Use your planner for what it is meant to be, a system to keep your life organised. At the same time, you can also use it to be creative and decorate it so that it inspires you. All of this together will help you see the big picture and work towards making your goals a reality.

Using a planner you absolutely love will encourage you to use it. You will be excited about opening it up every day.

If you want to be more organised, colour coding is highly recommended. I am a visual person and seeing all the colours at a glance really helps. Think about the difference between having a calendar in all-black pen, or having different colours for different types of events. This really helps your entire planner to be organised and easy to spot the various plans, tasks, or to-do lists.

Planners are fun and being creative with your planner will help your productivity as well. You started this planner journey because of how cute and pretty it was but now you also want to get organised. It’s a win-win situation. So don’t stop decorating your planner if it helps you to be more productive and organised. 

No matter what’s going on in your life, you have to commit to starting now. Do not hold things off until tomorrow. Tomorrow will never come. The more you keep saying to yourself there is always a tomorrow, the more you doom yourself. You’re just giving yourself an out. You’re giving yourself excuse after excuse not to start. You’re giving into your fear.

Don’t do that. Resolve to start now.

When you commit to doing an activity or task at a set time every day, you build a habit that will help you achieve your goals. It takes time to develop a habit, but when you do, the rewards are great.

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